
We launched Pxls two weeks ago. Since then, a lot happened and there’s still a lot to come. We’re writing this nwslttr to give the community a good view on the current plans. We are currently working on phase 2.

Phase 1: Launching Pxls NFT collection (done)

What happened

On July 21 we launched the Pxls NFT collection on Starknet mainnet. The collection is composed of 400 NFTs, each one of them being free to mint. Every NFT was minted within about one hour.


The Pxls NFT collection is the gateway to the Pxls experiment. Each NFT holder can connect their wallet in order to participate in the collaborative rtwrks. This is why we started with launching the collection.

Secondary market

A few days ago, two NFT platforms were launched on Starknet mainnet. You can now see the NFTs’ images and trade them on Aspect and Mint Square. We will explain how the NFTs’ images were generated in the next nwslttr.

Phase 2: Creating amazing rtwrks (in progress)

Pxls’ goal

Our goal is to create amazing artworks, of course, but also to explore how a group of people gets common inspiration, creates and learns together.