
Heeeey Pxlrs!

In our frst nwslttr we gave you the learnings of our first attempt to create an rtwrk all together. In this nwslttr, we are proposing a new gameplay for rtwrk creation. Here is what we tried to tackle in this proposition:

Community-led inspiration & more flexibility for pxlrs

You’ll find below our proposition of iteration for the scnd rtwrk. Please note that this is not a long term view: we prefer to do small iterations rather that big plans with lots of weaknesses.

Each topic has an indentation to ease the discussions on Discord.

  1. Inspiration

    We let our Twitter community decide on what we are going to draw:

    The goal here is to let pxlrs have their own interpretation of what the idea could look like while still guiding them in the creative process.

  2. Gameplay

    1. Timing

      This time, we don’t have 24 hours to draw the rtwrk but only 6 hours. The goal is to concentrate our energies at the same moment and to have a more dynamic artwork creation.

      <aside> ✏️ Edit We chose to keep the 24 hours period to draw the rtwrk after getting feedback from the community.


    2. Drawing

      If you own a pxl NFT, you can colorize any pixel in the 20x20 grid. You can even colorize a pixel that has already been colorized by a fellow pxlr.

    3. Limitation

      Each NFT holder can proceed to a maximum of 40 colorizations. This limitation exists to make sure that it remains a collaborative rtwrk and no pxl NFT owner colorizes the whole rtwrk.

Notes for later

These will not be developed in the next iteration but we’re happy to discuss them.